Humans are natural born complainers.I just made the obvious seem,well,obvious.

Humans are natural born complainers.I just made the obvious seem,well,obvious.

Sunday 27 November 2011

No Complaint#=)

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Friday 25 November 2011

Complaint No#26

The Chronicles of Peabrain(ed) blockhead:Final entry.

We were marked targets since the very beginning.Easy prey who saw not dangers lurking in the darkest corners and randomly passing motorcycles,oblivious to any malicious intent.Had this been in the wild,we would've been butchered.

But this was civilization.Society and it's educated peers.People and races whom were taught to be peaceful,harmonious,good.People.

People who did not shout any warnings and demands and struck me with a helmet.People that begun beating the shit out of me for the valuables I had.People that went straight to my friend's handbag.People that terrified her.

Humans that punched and bashed my head for not giving up my mobile phone.Humans that did not feel remorse inflicting pain.Humans that did not give a shit about their preys,even if they might end up comatized.

So this is what humans are like,after you peel through all the lies,pretense and virtues.
It's pretty funny,how our educational lies and history taught us to respect them.HHTPFM.

If we are poor,we work.If there are no jobs due to some racial policy,we beg.We do not go around bashing people's heads in with helmets and ask kindly for their valuables.

Approximated area where my head is swollen.They bashed the side of my head with a helmet and beat me with a stick like object before demanding my phone.When I did not oblige one of the people did a right cross to the same part of my head.I have a hard head.His fists must've hurt.Also,thank you adrenaline for not making me feel most of the impacts.

Complaint No#25

The Chronicles of blockhead(ed) peabrain:First entry.

As redonkulus as this may sound,I was kidnapped by the Koreans.They practically blindfolded me all the way to PJ just to give me a bath,then dropped me in front of my home.

Now for a little back story..
The Koreans.They're after me.Now that I've sold my flesh and soul to them..there's no escaping them I guess.I only hope that my blog will somewhat compensate the shit I went through,to shed some light so that no poor soul would follow my muddled footsteps into the swamps of doom.

I will not state which church they're representing.I will not state what they preached.
What matters was what they offered.They offered my soul salvation.I am not a believer.They just cornered me and fed me with so many flashy videos and pictures that I simply couldn't give enough fucks to think rationally by that point.

They promised me their church was only a few minutes away.They promised me I would be home within minutes.When I came to my senses I was on their car,thirty minutes away from Subang.And as lady luck would have it,my phone batteries ran out at the very minute my outrageous stupidity dawned on my derpbrain.

And so,feeling bewildered with all that the circumstances offered,I reached their church,more than A FEW MINUTES away.It was only a small apartment with only a bathroom,a small kitchen,and a huge hall for what I assumed was where they preached to their Korean followers.

I was given a bath.Baptism,they called it,the ceremony to cleanse my soul in order to prep me for the passing over.And then I was offered half a bread and half a cup of red wine,to symbolize me consuming Jesus' flesh and blood.What the fuck.I'm a cannibal.

After eating what must've been coke infused dough and drinking the blood of a virgin donkey,I was prepared for the waves of epilepsy that would envelope me and cause me to die a rather humiliating death,one that probably involved me shitting my pants.

Fortunately,nothing of that manner happened.They congratulated me for having my soul saved,for doing the right thing.A murderer murdering an infant would seem a right thing to do.To the psychopathic killer.

Hours later they dropped me of half a block away from where I lived.
They were nice people.Just misguided.But they lied to me.The Koreans lied.
They did not look like this,sorry to say.
Now that's more like it.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Complaint No#24

Last week,after lots of ignorance and procrastination,i realized that it was gonna be a pretty shitty week.Actually it was more like a giant turd sitting on your bed after you spent 3 days working non stop and you realize that you have to either lie down in the turd mountain or sleep on the turd-bomb covered floor.That kind of shitty situation.And no you can't clear the fucking shit.

It was friday when i noticed that i had a 1000word microeconomics essay due on Monday,a history test on Wednesday,and a physics test on Thursday.Now tuna research and lots of thinking later,I finished the essay on Sunday,2 days later than I had anticipated.This was the first in a series of surprisingly assholic events.

I only had a couple hours per day for Monday and Tuesday to finish memorizing every single shit that happened in America since Chrishopter fucking Columbus set foot on it until America's first government was formed.That's like 300 years of history to consume in just a handful of days.I can't even begin to describe the multitude of shittiness I experienced during those hellish days.History is one of the most dropped subjects on record,second to only calculus.

Immediately after the history exam meals were skipped and the inviting sleeping bugs were stomped on.Physics was up next.What was taught in a month,we had to complete in a couple hours.What made it worse was that the history test ended at 4pm.I slept at 5am in the morning.

And still after these shitty events my timetable only slackened 6.29x10^-21 meters.I had one more test coming up on Monday,the crown king of most frequently dropped subjects,Calculus.By this point I couldn't even differentiate Chrishopter Columbus from Calculus,let alone do shit.Fortunately I had the whole weekend to recuperate and possibly regain a few of my life years back.

It was a pretty shitty week.No exaggeration there.

Saturday 27 August 2011

No Complaint#Complaint No#23

Dear lecturer,

       A ball is not an atom just like how sea monkeys aren't actually monkeys. After a few stakeouts I have managed to bunnynap Mister Whiskers over here.However,I assure you that Mr.Whiskers is being pampered like a real child ,and his release would be immediate upon the realization of my proposal:that spheres are in fact,not atoms.

      At 3pm sharp this Saturday,27/8/2011,you will take the U82 bus and arrive at Sunway Pyramid.Enter via the main entrance.You should have by this time,updated the results and posted them online.Upon confirmation a stranger will approach and tell you your shoelaces are untied.Tie your shoelaces even if they are done.When you look up you will find a yellow envelope.Do not attempt to go after the stranger.Inside the envelope will be a series of easily decipherable codes which upon solving,shall reveal to you 3 shop numbers.Visit each of them,and I will drop Mr.Whiskers in front of a random shop.To avoid complications I have excluded steak houses and petshops.

Should you fail to comply the bunny gets it.As per the picture up there.



Holy flying mammoths it worked.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Complaint No#23

Today's physics test was supposed to be a breeze.A walk in the park.Taking candy from a baby.Taking booze from a drunk homeless man.

But reality struck and it struck hard,and I screwed half my quiz up(which was quite easy btw,since we only had 2 questions),though quite unreasonably.

I have lost my faith in Physics.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Complaint No#22

 Things you will never see at Kuala Lumpur:
100 year old train station.
The Brits:Whaaaat?Man this shit won't last through the war,mark my words.
100 years later..
The Kedahians:State of the art trains!
Wolves on checkerboards.How's that for menacing?Not dog.
Trees.Nuff said.
Sparkling vampires.
LOL jk.You see them all over KL but not at Kedah.We do have trolls and pontianaks though.